Agarwal Packers And Movers Pune

Agarwal Packers And Movers Pune


More hours in the day . Its one thing everyone wants and yet its impossible to attain .But what if you could free up significant time-may be as much as 20% of your workday-to focus on the responsibilities that  really matter ?
We've spent the past three years studying how knowledge workers can become more productive and found that the answer is simple : Eliminate or delegate unimportant task and replace them with value-added ones.Our  research indicates that knowledge workers spend a great deal of their time -an average of 41% -on discretionary activity that offer little personal satisfaction and could be handled competently by others .So why do they keep doing them? Because ridding oneself of work is easier said than done .We instinctively cling to task that make us feel busy and thus important while our bosses constantly striving to do more with less pile on as many responsibilities as we're willing to accept .
we believe there's a way forward however . Knowledge workers can make themselves more productive by thinking consciously about how they spend their time; deciding which tasks matter most to them and their organizations ;and dropping or creatively outsourcing the rest .We tried this intervention with 15 executives at different companies and they were able to dramatically reduce their involvement in low-value tasks :
They cut desk work by an average of six hours a week and meeting time by an average of two hours a week .And the benefits were clear. For example when Lotta Laitinen a manager at if a Scandinavin insurance company jettisoned meeting and administrative tasks in order to spend more time supporting her team ,it led to a 5% increase in sales  by her unit over a three-week period .
While not  everyone in our  study was quite that successful  the result still astounded us .By simply asking knowledge workers to rethink and shift the balance of  their work we were able to help them free up nearly a fifth of their time-an average of one full day a week-and focus on more worthwhile tasks with the hours they saved .

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